Alpha Vantage is a platform that provides financial data, including historical and real-time data, for stocks, currencies, and cryptocurrencies. In this article, we’ll explore how to use it with Python to fetch financial data and conduct basic analysis.
To begin, you’ll need to register on Alpha Vantage to obtain an API key that allows access to the data. After registration, you’ll receive a unique key to use in API requests.
There are two ways to use the API:
- Python module: https://github.com/Impesud/machine-learning-with-python/blob/main/alpha-vantage/alpha-vantage-with-module.ipynb
- JSON requests: https://github.com/Impesud/machine-learning-with-python/blob/main/alpha-vantage/alpha-vantage-with-JSON.ipynb
Once you have the data, you can perform various analysis operations, such as calculating moving averages, visualizing historical price charts, and more using libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, or other specialized libraries for financial analysis.
For example, to plot a chart of the retrieved historical prices, as you see in the files indicated previously.
In addition to simple daily data requests, Alpha Vantage offers many other features such as real-time data, technical indicators, sector information, and more. Explore the official Alpha Vantage documentation to fully leverage the capabilities offered through the API.